Message to my loved ones

To some this may seem like a “poor me” post. Some might relate to it. Either way, it doesn’t matter.

I’ve always said I have no regrets in life, when the truth is, I’m full of them. I’ve done things that hurt people, mostly the ones I love. And I always seem to dig myself deeper.

How can one live with themselves, knowing they have fucked up their life, as well as others. I don’t have a lot of time so I’ll keep this short.

My biggest regret is hurting the ones closest to me. They don’t deserve the life I’m giving them, because it isn’t much of a life. I’m drowning, drowning so bad that I can’t provide for them. And worst of all, I’ve put myself in such a bad place, that there isn’t a future I see with them.

They cannot follow me down this path of loosing, as I’m loosing everything. I love you dearly, I need you to know that. So I’ll say goodbye, and hope you can have the life you deserve and grow up in a better life. You both deserve it.
